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February 11th CT-STEM Fair

Abstracts(Completed Proposal)

  • Student abstracts are available here.

Zoom Link

  • Check  your email for link

Judging Times (Project Proposal)

Prerequisites/Order of events:

  • Please make sure you have zoom installed on your computer and that your audio/video connections are working prior to the fair day.
  • Please check in to the zoom  10 minutes prior to your assigned judging time. You will then be sent to your break-out room.
  • You will have 5 mins to present your project followed by a 10 mins Q&A section.
  • It is very important that you arrive to the judging session on time as we will not be able to reschedule students to a later time slot.
  • You may share your screen to display your presentation if you wish.

Please follow us on Instagram for updates. connecticutstemfoundation

Thank you for participating and your patience!


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